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WIN4 Sports Centre

The WIN4 Sports Centre in Winterthur is located beside the existing Deutweg ice arena. Catering for both mass and top-level sport, this new project is intended to have an impact far beyond the city of Winterthur. On this account a kind of architecture was aimed for that translates these national and international ambitions into a memorable architectural language. Three distinctively different building volumes form an ensemble and define a shared outdoor space. The first phase to be implemented consists of a new building for the ball sports arena with an adjoining campus building and a training hall to the south. Sports wing 2, built in the second phase, completes the ensemble consisting of arena and campus building. The three buildings are connected by a central covered foyer area. The strategy of using three independent buildings allows a clear urban statement to be made as early as the first stage. The multi-function training hall already augments the ensemble in the south, where it forms a termination to the existing, extensive sports pitches of the neighbouring sports park. As the final stage a six-part gym hall will complement and complete the sports cluster.

The large ball sports arena, which swivels outwards to the south, is the new home for the handball players from Pfadi Winterthur, the Uni hockey association and other Winterthur sports associations. The heart of the arena is a central pitch, surrounded by raised spectator stands that provide space for up to 2000 spectators. All the necessary ancillary spaces such as changing rooms, press rooms etc. are accommodated at entrance level. Staircases positioned at the sides bring visitors up to the first-floor level. There, from the generously dimensioned surrounding circulation terrace, they can access the stands, numerous refreshment areas, the VIP enclosure, and the sanitary facilities. An underground garage in the basement of the ball sports arena offers 125 parking spaces.

The neighbouring five-storey campus building houses a variety of sport functions, all of which are reached from a centrally positioned staircase. Sports medicine, fitness with integrated wellness facility, and a sports school with classrooms augment the functions of the sports cluster. The multi-functional training hall is a ‘decorated shed’ that relates visually to the buildings of the first phase in the north, while at the same time taking account of the existing district centre to the south.

The outdoor spaces around the new sports centre consist of an arrivals area with an urban character, a landscaped district park, and the large lawns of the sports pitches. With its public pathways the new sports park has an additional value for the neighbouring residential districts as a place to spend leisure time.

Photographs: © Roger Frei, Zurich · © Damian Poffet, Berne-Liebefeld · © deuring photography, Winterthur
Construction site photographs: © EM2N, Zurich
Model photographs: © Hannes Henz, Zurich

Index: 224 WIN, 224.1 WIN, 224.2 WIN
Dates: Commission 2015 · Planning phase 2015– · Construction phase 2016–

Team EM2N
Partners: Mathias Müller, Daniel Niggli · Associate: Bernd Druffel · Project leaders: Dorothee Burkert, Melih Dilsiz, Roger Küng, Philipp Maaß, Susan Singer, Sandra ten Dam, Martin Zisterer · Project team: Jan Francisco Anduaga, Margherita Borroni, Jelena Bottani, Patrick Britt, Dario Bruhin, Béatrice Bruneaux, Santiago Catanzano, Robert Dehn, Vitória de Mendonça, Yann Junod, Marina Esguerra, Ian Omumbwa, Sandra Quiros Navas, Laura Probst, Sandra Šimić, Tomoko Suzuki, Leena Unger, Kenneth Woods
Model making: Jennifer Bottlang, Gustavo Espinoza Campos, Jonas Rindlisbacher

Specialist planners
Construction management / construction realisation: BW Generalbau AG, Winterthur · · Landscape architecture: Balliana Schubert Landschaftsarchitekten AG, Zurich · Signage: Pikka GmbH, Zurich · Civil engineer: Dr. Deuring + Oehninger AG, Winterthur · Planning heating / ventilation / air-conditioning / cooling technology and sanitary services: 3-Plan Haustechnik AG, Winterthur · Electrical engineer: Marquart Elektroplanung + Beratung, Buchs SG · Building physics / acoustics: Zehnder & Kälin AG, Winterthur · Fire protection: 3-Plan Haustechnik AG, Winterthur / Brandwerk GmbH, Arch · Geologist / geotechnical engineer: Dr. Heinrich Jäckli AG, Zurich · Traffic planning: ewp AG, Effretikon

Winterthur, Switzerland

Competition, 1st prize, Commission follow-up project




Changing rooms, Event spaces, Kitchen, Parking, Restaurant, Sports arena, Fitness spaces, Storage spaces, Teaching spaces, Training halls, VIP area

30,300 m²
(Ball sports arena: 13,600 m², Campus building: 6,100 m², Multifunctional training hall: 2,200 m², Sports wing 2: 8,400 m²)